Thursday, April 22, 2010

Music in language learning and teaching

These days I've read a book written by Murphey, talking about music in language learning and teaching.
Murphey (1999) examines the effect of music in grown-up’s emotional system and suggests that music and song could assist language learning as they are “widespread naturally in environment” (p. 125), “simple, affective, yet adult” (p.126), “may facilitate the development of language, both anthropologically and ontogenetically by means of a neurological stimulation of right hemisphere functions” (p.127). In the book, the author also shows a survey of present use of music and songs in language teaching, which may guide language teachers in their teaching practice. The survey covers these areas: song choices for EFL students, students’ reflection, present language learning types applied to the didactic use of songs, didactic choices, and video clips. Murohey (1999) states some problems with the use of music and songs according to his own observation and other teachers’. In the conclusion part, the author indicates some areas needed future investigation concerning songs in language teaching.

1 comment:

  1. Using authentic songs in language teaching is a good way~
