Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reflection on language teaching with technology

After learning this course, I really gained a lot about various technologies in language teaching and learning. I could recall when I was teaching in the college, I mainly used PowerPoint in class, since the computer in the classroom cannot be connected to the net, I would bring my USB in which I stored some listening practices or videos to use in class. We never ask students to create a blog and write on it as we ourselves had no idea of the blog functioning as a language learning tool.
Actually, from my learning experience here, I could see most of my classmates do not write frequently, and if they did write something, most of which were due to the course requirement. I always hold the opinion that if someone cannot study with interests or passion, he will not master well or succeed. To me, blog may only serve as a writing tool. If I can use blog in teaching, I'd only use it to assist the writing course. Students may write the assigned compositions on the blog and others could peer edit and teachers would comment on them as well.They could as lo share some ideas irrelevant to studying.
Hotpotato is quite useful in designing papers. It will spare a lot of time typing the blanks.
I am very impressed by the teaching approach in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. They would teach in authentic contexts, which are more vivid and crisp. Maybe the teaching manner in mainland could be adjusted to some extent.
Learn a lot from my classmates in teaching more effectively. Enjoy it.

Podcasting in language learning

Godwin-Jones (2005) says podcasting has started to be utilized in language learning. It provides a new and different way of conducting familiar tasks and a “narrowcasting” version of broadcast media. As MP3 player have been popular among the students, they could get easy access to download podcasts in the target language for listening while walking. Students could also create their own podcasts and share with others on the web, which will arouse their interests in language learning.
Constantine (2007) says that for students to benefit from listening to a podcast, the content must be relevant to the learner. If students feel the content relevant, they are most likely to apply what is learned to other situations whether it is at school or out in the real world. Constantine states that students will gain the most from podcasts if they employ strategic listening techniques to strengthen their learning, such as listen for one essential detail, listen for the whole information, listen for the key points, listen for mood and atmosphere, listen for the main idea, listen to hypothesize and predict, listen to make inference.

Music in language learning and teaching

These days I've read a book written by Murphey, talking about music in language learning and teaching.
Murphey (1999) examines the effect of music in grown-up’s emotional system and suggests that music and song could assist language learning as they are “widespread naturally in environment” (p. 125), “simple, affective, yet adult” (p.126), “may facilitate the development of language, both anthropologically and ontogenetically by means of a neurological stimulation of right hemisphere functions” (p.127). In the book, the author also shows a survey of present use of music and songs in language teaching, which may guide language teachers in their teaching practice. The survey covers these areas: song choices for EFL students, students’ reflection, present language learning types applied to the didactic use of songs, didactic choices, and video clips. Murohey (1999) states some problems with the use of music and songs according to his own observation and other teachers’. In the conclusion part, the author indicates some areas needed future investigation concerning songs in language teaching.

Reflection on the group project

This Monday we made a brief presentation of our group project. The website is as follows:
Our web is based on music, which is based on previous literature review concerning using music to assist language learning and teaching. Students will not get bored with music. We've chosen some pop music for listening and writing practice.
As we know students in mainland china are weaker in listening, speaking and writing. Since listening and writing are both tested in real exams on all occasions, our web mainly focus on these two aspects.
If you are interested in our project, you may log on the site.
Here, I want to mention some possible problems of our project.
First, since there are some linking or sound elimination in the music, if students are not familiar with phonology, they may not get aware of these.
Second, students may not really listen to the songs, rather they would find the lyrics on the net. There is not an effective method to prevent this or even check it.
Third, students may get involved in appreciating the music, not take it as a testing tool.
Anyway, if you have some good suggestions, please not hesitate to inform us. Merci beaucoup!